Milagros Gola Singh
Milagros is a photographer that documents the Super–natural Oslo project. From the documentation of the design process, through the lookbook photoshoots and pictures from the live show.
Milagros is a part of Oslo Biennale with OsloMet and KHIO, Ed D’Souza and Eddy’s furniture in a project called the Migrant Car. She is also recently taking a MA in Arts in society at OsloMet.
With InterArts and Super–natural Oslo project she has an opportunity to improve her skills with the camera.
Importance of ethics and sustainability, love for the fashion are the inspiring start to work with excitement in the project.
My background is to be creative in any possible way, to build objects that you can use or not, paint or sketch, take photos and try to capture the things I see. To be creative with people around me, evolve with art and through the art, to be able to be conscious and ethical around subjects. That’s my background: my present and my future, I hope.Milagros
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