Time: July 28, 2018
Place: Oslo, Teatersenter
Extended: Moving Interactions 2018
As a participant of the „Schouskollektivet Extended: Moving Interactions”, interart_s organized a photography exhibition of artist Małgorzata Reneta Aulejtner titled Augmented reality and a screening of a short-form video Event Horizon directed by Eye One Studio (Przemysław Mielniczuk), starring: Karolina Lisik and Tomasz Bieliński.
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Time: April 27, 2023 interart_s as: organizer
“Polish is the Official Language in the Republic of Poland” performance
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Time: April 27, 2023 interart_s as: organizer
A panel discussion about the minority language with guests: Nina Witoszek and Ewa Sapieżyńska
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Time: January 28, 2022 interart_s as: organizer
Freedom from modern slavery of the fashion industry: “The Conscience of Clothing” movie screening
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